

Catechetical Sunday 2022

Posted on September 06, 2022 in: Pray and Worship

Catechetical Sunday 2022

"This is my body given for you"  Luke 22:19

This Sunday the Church honors all who serve us in the role of faith formation. This year’s theme for Catechetical Sunday is: “This is my body given for you.” At baptism, we become temples of the Holy Spirit. But this year’s theme reminds us that at every Eucharist, we become more and more what we receive: The Body of Christ. Saint Augustine in 400 AD wrote on the Blessed Sacrament: Behold what you are. Become what you receive.”

Allow me to add to Augustine; “Share what you become!

At Mass we will pray over all those who serve us as parish catechists, youth and young adults’ ministers, as well as all who provide faith formation to diverse age groups and settings. They embody what Pope Paul VI said, “Modern man listens more willingly to witnesses than to teachers, and if he does listen to teachers, it is because they are witnesses.”

May the Lord bless all of you who help us proclaim that Jesus has risen from the dead. Thank you for sharing with the world the Body of Christ, given for all! 

Praised be Jesus, now and forever.

Father Andrew