Men, are you ready to challenge yourself to become uncommonly free?
“It is normal for men to be distracted, addicted, and enslaved by so many things today--social media, sports, work, comparison, achievement, wealth, legacy, gambling, alcohol, pornography. What is uncommon in our time is men who are free. A free man is not a perfect man but one who remembers who he is: a son of God whom God has called forth for LOVE. And, the free man knows how much more he can become by the power of grace unfolding in his life over time.”
The Challenge
Father Tyler is asking the men in our parish to join alongside one another and take up the 90-day challenge (starting 20 Jan) or a 50-day challenge (starting 1 Mar) to become uncommonly free men through a commitment to daily prayer, asceticism, and fraternity. We will use the established Exodus 90 program to guide us through this challenge culminating on Easter Sunday. Join the Brotherhood and let’s complete this Spiritual Boot Camp together.
SIGN UP HERE so we can form fraternity groups within our parish and provide you additional information. Please contact Tom Popp (240-925-5050; tpopp6789@gmail.com ) with any questions and/or go to the Exodus90.com website to learn more. Download the Exodus 90 app and start getting excited!