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Entries for August 2021

Fall Grief Support Group

Posted on August 31, 2021 in: General News

Fall Grief Support Group
Wednesdays, 9:45-11am September 15 through November 3 You need not walk through the wilderness of grief alone. Our small support group is a safe, confidential space where you’ll be listened to without interruption, cared for, and supported. You’ll learn about the hard work of grief...

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A Stranger on the Road: The Good Samaritan
Wednesday, September 1 7-8pm on Zoom There are so many strangers on the road today. Using Pope Francis’ reflecton as our guide, we’ll talk about our responsibility to our suffering neighbors, and how we can keep from being overwhelmed. https://zoom.us/j/99889995888?pwd=OG5vemwwQ...

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Walking With Purpose Registration 2021
Register NOW for Walking With Purpose! All women are invited to register for Walking With Purpose, a Catholic women's bible study, running from September 23, 2021 through April 28, 2022. Three studies are offered this year:  • Opening Your Heart • Living in the Father&...

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Volunteers Needed for Youth Ministry
Looking for the Fountain of Youth? Look no further than SABBY! (St Andrew By the Bay Youth) We have lots of opportunities to free your unique spirit in the company of our fantastic young people! High School & Middle School Catechists/Small Group Leaders & Assistants/Substitutes n...

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Fratelli Tutti - Brothers and Sisters All
Wednesday, August 25 7-8pm on Zoom Join our Wednesday Zoom conversation on August 25 as we explore Pope Francis’ newest encyclical, rooted in the parable of the Good Samaritan and Catholic social teaching. 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. https://zoom.us/j/99478043703?pwd=eUtBaVZtLzN3L1VleGNwZWE1N0Z...

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Six Dates for Catholic Couples 2021-22
Monthly Saturday Evenings 5pm in the Parish Center September 25, October 23 & November 20, 2021 January 22, February 12 & March 12, 2022 ALL COUPLES ARE INVITED to attend a monthly video-based program (5-5:35pm), Six Dates for Catholic Couples, by John Bosio, complete with handou...

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Wednesday Zoom with Deacon Tony Norcio
August 18, 7-8pm Canon Law What it is. Where it comes from. And how God’s grace can flow through it. Deacon Tony Norcio, himself a canon lawyer, takes the legalize out so we can appreciate the gift canon law is for the Church, for all of us. https://zoom.us/j/98620664512?pwd=MmxPUl...

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Parish Picnic 2021

Posted on August 17, 2021 in: Social Event

Parish Picnic 2021
SIGNUP CLOSES SEPTEMBER 5 Sign up HERE for our Parish Picnic! Prize Donations Needed! Small laundered stuffed animals & new small toys needed Drop off donations in labeled bin in Narthex

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St Joseph Retreat for Men

Posted on August 10, 2021 in: Grow and Learn

St Joseph Retreat for Men
Saturday, August 28 8am-12pm View Retreat in Upper Hall coffee & donuts @7:30am - no registration needed OR View Retreat at Home click invitation below to register The St. Andrew by the Bay Knights of Columbus Council 1552 invites all brother Knights and men of the parish to...

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Wednesday Zoom with Deacon Bill
August 4, 7-8pm Camp GLOW The joy of ministering to differently abled people Facilitator:  Deacon Bill   Deacon Bill has headed up the Camp GLOW team for so many years. He’ll share his God-graced experiences and answer your questions – and maybe inspire you to co...

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Sacramental Registration 2021

Posted on August 03, 2021 in: Grow and Learn

Sacramental Registration 2021
NOW OPEN Important reminders about sacramental preparation here at St. Andrew by the Bay: 1st Reconciliation/1st Communion https://www.osvhub.com/st-andrew-by-the-bay-church/forms/1stcom1strecon2022 The sacramental year is not determined by your child’s grade, instead it requi...

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Midsummer Night's Mercy

Posted on August 03, 2021 in: Pray and Worship

Midsummer Night's Mercy
Wednesday, August 4 from 6-9pm St. John the Evangelist 689 Ritchie Hwy, Severna Park On Wednesday, August 4, St. John the Evangelist parish in Severna Park will celebrate a night dedicated to this gift of God's mercy. Fr. Andrew, Fr. Erik Arnold from St. John the Evangelist and pri...

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Adoration Ministry

Posted on August 02, 2021 in: Pray and Worship

Adoration Ministry
NEW MINISTRY FORMING Meets Thursday, August 5 7pm in the Church Archbishop Lori declared The Year of the Eucharist be observed until the Feast of Corpus Christi in 2022. In his invitation he said, “Our hope is in the Lord and we must keep our gaze firmly affixed on Him”, and &ld...

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