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Respect Life Month

Posted on October 08, 2020 in: Fundraiser, Pray and Worship, Give and Serve

Respect Life Month

October is dedicated as Respect Life Month to focus our resolve to cherish and protect the gift of every human life.

During Respect Life Month, the parish Respect Life Committee has sponsored several activities to that purpose. The committee activities are guided by the Four Pillars of Action of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops Pastoral Plan for Pro-Life Activities:

Public Information and Education

Pastoral Care

Public Policy

Prayer and Worship

We began the month with prayer!  The now monthly Holy Hour for Life, held every first Friday of the month, gave parishioners a time of quiet before the Lord to lift up the vulnerable among us.

Next, parishioners generously supported the Gabriel Network’s “virtual” Baby Bottle Boomerang campaign. The Gabriel Network helps women in crisis pregnancies with resources, gifts, housing, education, scholarships and support through and beyond the birth of their babies.

The weekend of October 24-25, Respect-Life volunteers will work alongside St. Vincent de Paul members collecting winter clothing to help our local friends-in-need stay warm this winter.

Some members are also participating in the 40 Days for Life” campaign in front of Planned Parenthood in Annapolis to pray peacefully for abortion providers, mothers, and babies to find the support and timely help they need to cling to life.

Consider joining the Respect Life Committee in one or all of our many efforts throughout the year to assist and witness to the dignity of life from conception to natural death.  To join us or simply ask a question, please contact Ruth Popp at respectlifesabb@gmail.com or (240)925-4718.