Sunday, November 8, 2020
32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Let the School Bells Ring: San Francisco de Asis Scholarship Drive
Nov. 7-8
The weekends of October 31-November 1 and November 7-8, we will be asking for your help in letting the young people from our sister parish, San Francisco de Asis, continue their education. This amazing group will make a difference in the future of El Salvador. The cost is $70 per month for a college student and $30 for a high schooler. You can make a donation on the parish website under Give/San Francisco De Asis Scholarship Fund, or in person donations can be made after Mass with a check or cash. Any amount is accepted. Gracias, gracias, gracias!
For assistance, call 410-974-4366 or email
First Friday Holy Hour
November 6, 8-9am
Please join us to spend a quiet hour with Jesus! The St. Andrew by the Bay Respect Life Committee will be hosting a Holy Hour for Life each month from 8-9am, immediately before each First Friday Mass. The next Holy Hour for Life will be from 8-9am on Friday, November 6. We hope to see you there!
Prayer Shawl Ministry
1st Tuesday of the Month
9:30-11:00am in the Library
(Limited Seating - Please contact Rita Ferry)
Parishioners are invited to join our prayer shawl ministry by making a shawl for those who are sick, bereaved, or otherwise in need of comfort. The next meeting is Tuesday, November 3. You can also knit from home. The pattern is simple and yarn is provided (or you can bring your own). Prayer shawls and prayer cards are available for pickup in the Narthex. Please complete a card with the name of the person who will receive the shawl so that the ministry can pray for them. For more information, please contact Rita Ferry at 410-757-6657 or
Divine Breath Yoga
Tuesdays, 7:00-8:15pm, Upper Hall
Find Rest. Each evening centers around a scripture meditation and incorporates deep breaths with gentle, injury-friendly movements, stretches, and balances to use the whole body for prayer. The SABB yoga ministry began in 2017 and is led by parishioner and Yahweh Yoga Certified Yoga Instructor, Candace Decker. It is a free, year-round ministry to relax and restore the body, mind, and soul (watch the parish calendar for cancellations).
Masks will be worn & appropriate social distancing will be maintained at all times; signed waivers are required for all participants. Bring a mat/blanket/towel (no shared yoga supplies), mask and sanitizing wipes. Participants can also join seated in a chair (please wipe down after use). Do not attend if you have a fever, exhibit symptoms, or were exposed to the novel coronavirus/COVID-19.
For those at home, Candace films chair yoga, meditation, and mat-based yoga practices to share online at the YouTube "Divine Breath Yoga with Candace" channel (the link is
E-mail or call (937) 802-4325 for further details.

Knights of Columbus Virtual 5K Fun Run
Benefitting the Food for Families Program
November 7-15
The St. Andrew by the Bay Knights of Columbus wants you to join us, our families and friends as we #run4Broadneck, a virtual fun run/walk 5K (3.1 miles), the week of November 7-15 to raise money to help support our Food for Families program. The Knights of Columbus Food for Families Program helps ensure as few people as possible go to bed hungry each night. With your help, we can help those on the Broadneck Peninsula that are in need as we enter this upcoming holiday season. So, lace up your running shoes, invite and challenge your friends and family for this virtual 5K.
How to Participate:
- REGISTER by emailing Dan Fraser at
- DONATE at and select KOC 5k fun run. With a $20 Donation each participant will receive a #run4Broadneck Race Bib that can be picked up at St. Andrew by the Bay, after all masses the weekend of November 7-8.
- RUN OR WALK 5K (3.1 miles) anytime between November 7-15.
- SHARE your race time and photos with us (optional) by tagging us on Facebook- Knights of Columbus 11552- St. Andrew by the Bay.
For any additional questions please contact Dan Fraser at
Shrub Planting & Tree Maintenance
Woodland Edge Restoration
2 Dates Available • 11/14 & 11/21
Sign up here:
Woodland Edge Restoration Shrub Planting: 11/14
* 6 teams needed • Per time slot
* Each 'team' will plant 4-6 shrubs
* A 'team' consists of 1-5 persons from the same household. Age 10 or older
Tree Maintenance of the trees parishoners planted 4 years ago: 11/21
* 27 teams needed
* A 'team' consists of persons from the same household - no age limit.
* Weed around your tree, restake if needed, spread mulch.
* Mulch movers also needed
Due to Covid - Please bring your own water, gloves and shovels!!!
Details on Woodland Edge Project HERE
Cathy Tengwall •
Mary Smith •
Blood Drive
Sunday, November 22
We encourage you to start eating iron-rich foods one week prior to donation.
To donate blood, you must be:
- Between 17 and 74 years old; 16 with parental consent
- In good health;
- At least 110 lbs;
- You can give blood while taking most medications.
All donations benefit Anne Arundel Medical Center. 1 pint of blood can save up to 3 lives!
Ecotip: Leaves
The only reason to pick up the rake this year is to help spread the love of your leaves to other parts of the yard or garden that can use this natural fertilizer.
Not only does mulching your leaves help your grass and soil, it also helps reduce greenhouse gases and limits waste. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 8.7 million tons of yard trimmings, which include leaves, went to landfills in 2017, accounting for just over 6 percent of all waste in landfills. These bags of leaves not only take up space, they also can break down with other organic waste to create methane, a potent greenhouse gas which exacerbates climate change.
St. Vincent de Paul
Your St. Vincent de Paul Society is available to assist those in need on the Broadneck Peninsula. Meetings with Society representatives are kept completely CONFIDENTIAL. Due to Covid, there are no office hours. Assistance is available by contacting Linda Rzepkowski at 410-533-8333 or

Chores & More is Here to Help!
If you or someone you know is a shut-in, temporarily homebound of any age or just home from the hospital and needs assistance, many Broadneck Peninsula residents turn to Chores and More for assistance when they need a short-term helping hand. Volunteer services are available 7 days a week. Services include needing a ride to the grocery store, doctor or hospital…or if you have questions about other services and resources to help someone in a time of need, or you would like to volunteer, call 443-808-3875 during their office hours 9:00am-12:00pm (Monday, Wednesday and Friday) or email Stay Healthy and be safe. God Bless you.
Adult Faith Formation Opportunities
Parish Library Reopens November 8
Sundays, 9:00-11:00am
Social Distancing and masks required because we love you.
Entrance limited to 2 families or 4 individuals.
The Chosen: Episodes 5-8
View on your own NOW & Discuss November 18
Experience The Chosen, season 1 of a stirring multi-season event. See Jesus Christ through the eyes of those who knew him, and perhaps you’ll get to know him better yourself. This series is for everyone, no matter where you are on your journey.
On October 28, we discussed the first 4 episodes. Check out episodes 5-8 NOW, then join a discussion with Fr. Andrew on Wednesday, November 18 at 7:00pm.
Click here for further details and Zoom link
Advent Awakenings
Small groups to deepen your faith and renew your connection to community.
Christmas will be different this year, but Emmanuel, God-With-Us is certainly present, no matter what.
Come to know him better. Awaken to his presence.
Meet on the days and times of your choice, virtually on Zoom or in-person at the parish center. Groups begin meeting the first week of Advent.
Sign up individually or with others as a group here:
or email
We’ll use Renew International’s “Advent Awakenings” ($6 each, CHECKS ONLY, payable to St. Andrew by the Bay with "Advent Booklet" in the memo). Booklet pickup is available:
Weekdays at the parish center between 9:00am and 12:00pm
Outside the church after Mass on Saturday, November 21, 5:00-5:15pm
Outside the church between Masses on Sunday, November 22, 9:00-9:30am or 10:30-11:30am
In the Beginning - The First Five Books of the BIble
7:00-8:00 p.m. Mondays
November 9 – December 7, 2020
Travel with Gisela Barry and the pilgrim people of the Pentateuch from the first light of Creation to the brink of the Promised Land. Enter the world of the Hebrews and see the journey, and the God who led them, from their perspective.
Here’s the link for all 5 Mondays.
Facilitator: Gisela Barry
Community Conversation on Race
Sunday, November 8
4:00pm on Zoom
Hosted by Broadneck Baptist Church
Meeting ID: 420 609 3840
Passcode: 2020NovWor
As we think about the days to come, here are three articles I found interesting on how race can and will play a role, one way or the other, in this election. They might help us have some foundation for our conversation on Sunday:
Ready, Set...Advent!
For Families with Children
Sunday, November 29
10:30am & 1:00pm
Upper Hall
Sign up here:
Let’s safely gather and welcome the season of Advent with family discussion and a craft!
We will be having no more than 15 families at a session, with the room being sanitized between groups. More session times will be added later in the week, as they fill up. Hand Sanitizing stations will be provided, masks required, and one family per table.
Modified Parish Office Hours
Monday-Friday 8:30am-12:30pm
Staff may also be reached via email (for a complete listing of staff emails from the cover of our parish bulletin, click HERE).
If you are in urgent need of a priest after hours, please call the main line at 410-974-4366 for instructions.