

40 Days for Life in Lent

Posted on April 03, 2022 in: Pray and Worship

40 Days for Life in Lent

Final Week: April 4-8

Join our Peaceful Vigil in Annapolis

Stand a 40 Days for Life vigil at Planned Parenthood this coming week for just one hour as a Lenten Sacrifice.

Sign up with other parishioners on Monday and Thursday

and with St. John the Evangelist parishioners on Friday and Saturday  

With the Lenten 40 Days for Life campaign ending Palm Sunday, consider also joining the closing vigil which will be on Thursday, April 7th, at 7pm in front of Planned Parenthood (929 West Street) which will include music and prayer to ask God to change the hearts of those who enter that facility to end the life of a human being created in the image of God.

Questions?  Contact Bill Cummins at